“Like an Olive Tree” – “KeZeit Ra’anan” Psalms and Verses / 2011
“KeZeit Ra’anan“ Like an Olive Tree is Diane’s first solo CD. She composed original music to lyrics from Psalms and other religious sources. The CD is the result of a year- long project of musical cooperation between Diane and Eyal Luman (link), multi-instrumentalist, sound engineer and musical producer in the small village of Yodefat in the Western Galilee where they both live. Thirty musicians and singers took part in this world music project.
A short film :“Like an Olive Tree” “KeZeit Ra’anan”
Like an Olive Tree - A Psalm sung by Diane Kaplan from Roberto Kaplan on Vimeo.
<- - - (download entire album)
1. KeZeit Ra’anan (Like an Olive Tree) - Psalms 52
2. Ana (Where) – Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi
3. Birkat Kohanim (The Kohen’s Blessing) – Numbers 6:24-26
4. Ma’ase Yadenu (The Work of our Hands) – Psalms 90
5. Al Kain, Lo Nira (Therefore We Will Not Fear) – Psalms 46
6. Lev Tahor (Pure Heart) – Psalms 51
7. Mi Yagur (Who Shall Dwell) – Psalms 15
8. Ya’aloz Sadai (Let the Field be Joyful) – Psalms 96
9. Shim’a Tfilati (Hear My Prayer) – Psalms 39
10. Mima’amakim (Out of the Depths) – Psalms 130
11. Enosh (Man) – Psalms 103
Like an Olive Tree - English translations
KeZeit Ra’anan (Like an Olive Tree)- Psalm 52
I am like a fresh olive tree in the house of God/ I trust in the grace of God forever and ever
Ana (Where) - Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi
I reached out for you /With all my heart I called for you/ And as I went out towards you/ I found you coming towards me/// God, where will I find you?/ Your place is hidden high above/ And where won’t I find you?/Your honor fills the world.
Birkat Kohanim (The Kohen’s Blessing) – Numbers 6:24-26
May the LORD bless you and keep you; May the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; May the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and may he give you peace.
Ma’ase Yadenu (The Work of Our Hands) - Psalm 90
Let the graciousness of God be upon us/Establish and prosper the work of our hands upon us/ The work of our hands, Establish it, O, prosper it.
Al Kain, Lo Nira (Therefore We Will Not Fear) - Psalm 46
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble / Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed / and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea
Lev Tahor (Pure Heart) - Psalm 51
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me/ Cast me not away from your presence/ Nor take your Holy Spirit from me.
Mi Yagur (Who Shall Dwell) - Psalm 15
Oh my LORD, who shall bide in Thy tents?/ Who shall dwell upon Thy holy mountain?
Ya’aloz Sadai (Let the Field Be Joyful) - Psalm 96
Oh let the field be joyful and all that is in it/Then shall all the trees of the wood sing for joy Before the Lord
Shim’a Tfilati (Hear My Prayer) - Psalms 39
Hear my prayer, O LORD, and give ear to my cry/Hold not thy silence at my tears/ For I am a stranger with thee, as all my fathers were/ Spare me that I may recover strength/Before I go hence, and be no more.
Mima’amakim (Out of the Depths) - Psalm 130
Out of the depths I have called Thee, O Lord/Lord, hearken to my voice/ May your ears be attentive to the voice of my prayers.
Enosh (Man) - Psalm 103
As for man, his days are like grass/Like a flower in the field so he blooms/For the wind passes over it and it is gone/ And its place knows it no more.
KeZeit Ra’anan – VaAni K’Zeit ra’anan b’vet Elohim batakhti bekhesed Elohim olam va’ed
Ana – Darashti kirvatkha / Bekhol libi keratikha / Uvtseti likratkha / Likrati metastikha /// Ya ana emtse’akha / Mekomkha na’ala vene’elam / veana lo emtsa’akha / Kvodkha male olam
Birkat Kohanim – Yivarekhekha Adonai ve’yishmerekha / Ya’er Adonai panav eleikha vekhuneka / Yisa Adonai panav eleikha ve’yasem lekha shalom
Ma’ase Yadenu – Ve’yehi no’am Adonai Eloheinu aleinu u’ma’a’se yadeinu konena aleinu u’ma’a’se yadeinu konenehu
Al Kain Lo Nira – Elohim lanu ma’ase va’oz ezra betsarot nimtsa me’od / Al kain lo nira behamir aretz u’vemot harim belev yamim
Lev Tahor - Lev tahor bra li Elohim veruakh nakhon khadesh bekirbi / Al tashlikheni milifanekha veruakh kodshekha al tikakh mimeni
Mi Yagur - Elohim mi yagur be’ohalekha mi yishkon behar kodshekha
Ya’aloz Sadai - Ya’aloz sadai vekhol asher bo az yiranenu kol atze ya’ar / Lifne Adonai
Shim’a Tfilati - Shim’a tfilati Adonai veshavati ha’azina el dimati al tekherash ke ger anokhi imakh toshav kekhol avotai / Hosha mimeni ve’avliga beterem elekh ve’aineni
Mima’amakim - Mima’amakim keratikha Adonai / Adonai shim’a bekoli tihe’yena oznekha kashuvot lekol takhanunai
Enosh - Enosh kekhatzir yamav ketzitz hasade kein yatzitz / Ki ru’akh avra bo ve’ainenu velo yakirenu od mekomo
All songs are in the Hebrew language
Arrangements by Eyal Luman and Diane Kaplan.
Musical Production: Eyal Luman
Recorded and mixed in “Eyal Luman Studios” Yodfat, Israel 2010
Painting on front cover: Moshe Kassirer http://www.kassirer.co.il
Mastering: Maor Applebaum, LA, USA
Diane Kaplan - composition, vocals and acoustic guitar
Edan Kaplan – vocals, backing vocals (2,3,6,8,9,10)
Dana Keren – vocals (5, 11)
David Sadeh – vocals, backing vocals (3,5,6,8,9,10)
Eyal Luman – kanun(3, 8) cajon, bongos, frame drum, doumbek, tabla, udu drum,
rik, djembe, dundun, percussion, guitar
Eyal Leber – classical guitar (1,6,9)
Eyal Malkinson – cello (4,5,8,9,10)
Sunita Staneslow – Celtic Harp (2,11)
Hagit Rosmarine – flute, alto flute, Irish whistle (2,5,10)
Mor Sadan – electric and classical guitars (7,10)
Gal Shachar – violin (4,7,9)
Rani Lorentz – bass, upright bass
Tiran Bublil – ney and Turkish clarinet (1,3)
Barak Luman – sitar (6)
Osama Abu Ali – yargul, zorna (6)
Adam Cohen – drums (7,10)
Na’aran Eshchar - keyboards (5)
Arie Ozana – congas (10)
Mya Kaplan – backing vocals (4)
Yodfat Choir (4,7) Uri Erlich, Anat Agmor, Reumi Agmor, Yaeli Ziv, Ofer Gan-Or,
Roni Magril, Morit Avraham, Nitza De-noor, Merav Ma’ayan, Ayelet Dangoor,
Bosmat Midler











Songs From The Source / Kol Ma'ayanai